Ranger trampled by elephant in Murchison Falls National Park

A game ranger identified as Deo Twinomujuki has been trampled to death by an elephant in Nyamusika cliffs, Murchison Falls National Park on Monday evening.

Twinomujuki is said to have spent at least eight years working as a ranger with the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA).

A source that preferred anonymity intimated to Gateway News that the victim was crushed by an elephant while fetching firewood after his scare-shooting efforts proved futile.

“He tried to scare-shoot while running but fell on the ground where a matriarch finished him off,” a source revealed.

Murchison Falls National Park warden, Wilson Kagoro told this publication he was not in position to comment on the matter.

UWA is yet to release an official communication regarding the unfortunate matter.

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Gateway News

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