Bishop Barham University College Holds First Post-COVID Graduation

KABALE– Bishop Barham College of Uganda Christian University (BBUC) held Friday its first Post-COVID-19 Graduation ceremony passing out 270 students from 38 different academic courses.  

The Kabale based Institution last held its graduation ceremony at home in Kabale Municipality on 15th October 2019, and the following schedule was interrupted by the coronavirus pandemic that forced the Government to suspend mass gatherings including physical education activities. 

Consequently, all other graduations have been held from the Headquarters in Mukono and the previous BBUC graduands have been contrived to travel to the main campus, while others participated virtually because of the expenses involved, especially the transport fares. 

However, While officiating the ceremony at Rugarama hill in Kabale Municipality, the UCU Vice Chancellor Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi explained that all UCU colleges had officially been cleared to resume periodic graduation ceremonies.

Prof. Mushengyezi asked the BBUC graduates to protect the institution’s good name by behaving well and performing excellently wherever they would be placed for employment.

“Uganda Christian University is known for its good name and excellence, therefore we request you to protect and maintain that brand wherever you go,” he said

The Chief Guest, Kampala based dental surgeon Dr. Brian Rushaju, also asked the graduands to contribute efforts in the Social economic transformation of Uganda and Africa at large through innovations and creativity.

The BBUC Principal Dr. Alice Jossy Kyobutungi, used the opportunity to recognize partners who had tremendously contributed to the growth, development and sustainability of the institution. Notable among them was BusinessMan Musinguzi Garuga who reportedly donated 100 million to the institution in sponsorship of 100 students from Kigezi sub-region.

“Special thanks go to academic sponsors for our students including Compassion International, sponsors from Canada and U.S and U.K, Former and Current Headteacher Bubare S.S, and in a special way, we thank Mr. Musinguzi Garuga who donated 100 million to sponsor some students from Kigezi region.” Kyobutungi remarked.

Out of the 270 students who graduated in different Degree, Diploma and Certificate Programs, 164 were males, while 106 were females. Five students including the Rukiga District Speaker of Council, Oscar Akampurira attained a first class in degree programs.

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Gateway News

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