Conjoined twins separated at Mulago Hospital

Two twins, Gloria and Brenda have been successfully separated by Doctors at Mulago National Referral Hospital in Kampala. The hospital announced Wednesday they had been discharged after thorough post surgery care.

The twins belonging to Moses Talemwa,26, and Hellen Kugonza,25, both peasant farmers in Bulinda Village in Hoima District, were on December 15th 2021 referred to Mulago hospital by Hoima Regional Referral Hospital.

The Siamese twins were admitted as two day olds and leave the hospital at 6 months. This is the fifth set of twins separated at the facility.

The twins were born were conjoined by their abdomen and it took an eight hour surgery to have them separated.

According to a senior consultant pediatric surgeon, John Ssekabira the success of the surgery is due to the endeavors of the whole team of 25 specialists from across different departments. Ssekabira also urged parents to take the responsibility to take the twins for immunization.

“They were too young when they were brought in, we had to wait a little longer, at 2 and a half months we ascertained they were ready to withstand surgery and recover fully, the surgery went well and their wounds are now healed,

“Efforts to return them home were delayed by findings of our social works team since early May who found their home back in Hoima lacking the basics for the twins to thrive. Taking lessons from the twins from Kole district who were separated and returned home, a month later one succumbed to Malaria because we didn’t make assessments on where they would live. ” Ssekabira said.

While discharging them from the hospital, non-profit organization Habitat for Humanity, Uganda pledged to erect a proper home for the family as early as next month.

According to Habitat for Humanity National Director, Robert Otim said they are working towards the construction of 40 houses for vulnerable people this year across different regions to try and tackle the housing problem through a fundraising drive launched today. “A home is a human right and a cornerstone for public health, a home is catalyst to deliver economic development,” he said

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Gateway News

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