Gen. Salim Saleh re-appears after death rumors

Last month, social Media was awash with rumors regarding Gen. (Rtd) Caleb Akandwanaho’s illnesses accompanied by confirmations that the Bush war hero was no more.

His failure to attend General Elly Tumwine’s burial late last month was close to corroborating the rumors but the Director Operations at the prestigious Operation Wealth Creation, Sylvia Awori was quick to quash the rumors. “Gen. Salim Saleh is a public figure and someone of his stature, news about his death would have been officially communicated by Gorvernment, therefore treat those rumors with the contempt it deserves”

Awori was not happy that people would be that trivial and evil to wish others death, “the general is busy with his work at Kapeeka,” she asserted.

The Director Operation’s assertions were proven by Gen. Salim Saleh’s abrupt appearance at her daughter’s give away ceremony Last evening in Kololo.

Addressing guests and relatives at the give away ceremony, the General thanked those who have been with him in prayer, adding that, “We were trained for two years in Montepuez-Mozambique that the moment you look at yourselves as tribes, the whole society collapses”.

The retired General also thanked his daughter Esteri for resurrecting him through her give away ceremony.

According to Proverbs 16:27, useless people make evil plans, and their words are like burning fire which relate to unfounded social media rumors.

Verbatim to the Bible still, Isaiah 54:17 NKJV says, ” No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord , And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord, Biblical adage that affirms General Salim Saleh’s prayers.

Parliament on September 8, 2022 passed the Computer Misuse (Amendment) Bill 2022.

The act seeks to curb such social media vices that continue to cause panic among victims Contrary to which law antagonists will be punishment and victims awarded remedies.

The Ministry of ICT and National Guidance has rolled out a campaign on mindset change across the country as the country gets familiar with the act.

About The Author

Gateway News

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