Kampala Women strip, beat girl over man

A series of videos surfaced online on Monday showing a group of women descend, strip and beat a girl over ‘snatching’ a man.

Netizens across different social media platforms have come out to urge the Police to arrest the culprits shown in the video brutalising a young woman.

It has so far been noted that a young woman identified as Nicole was stripped and beaten by a group of three women while they recorded videos and published them on the popular social media network TikTok.

The conflict is said to have started after, Nicole was found at her friend’s boyfriend’s residence.

The series of videos were pulled down after they sparked outrage across social media and attracting disgust from several human rights activists calling for the arrest of the trio.

One human rights activist wrote ‘this is unacceptable’ on her timeline, but many other people continue to share their disgust.

What’s the use of them beating up this young girl?
There’s totally no reason why they reacted like that.
They need to be imprisoned.” one user tweeted

Another user tweeted to @policeUg “Justice for Nicole at Uganda Police is needed. Those immoral girls should face the law”

An official statement from the Uganda Police Force is yet to be released.

Also an hashtag #JusticeForNicole has amassed over 1000 posts in less than 12 hours.

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Gateway News

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