The rise in the levels of Lake Victoria waters has left so many people, property and establishments affected, especially those staying or working around the lake. The vendors of Nakiwogo market among other residents in Entebbe municipality have not been spared.
With the current rainfall patterns, Nakiwogo market floods with muddy waters, making it hard both for vendors and customers to trade nor interact. In a similar regard, the adjacent Lugonjo cell also fills with water for a bigger part of the year. This has severally and severely affected the residents, their homesteads and property.

Angella Musiime, is one of the affected residents whose entire house had been galloped by the waters. A mother of two, who struggles to fend for her family, could not find anywhere to sleep as all the house valuables were soaked in water. A similar situation affects other residents who remain tight-lipped about their predicament for fear of being evacuated by the government.

Under the philanthropy organisation- Keddi Foundation, the affected residents received relief items for the welfare of their day-today lives. Stephen Keddi, the founder of Keddi foundation, took Asiimwe to a new accommodation facility out of the frog-infested condemned house. She was also given new household items and petty cash of close to shs4m to start up a moderate business.
Keddi also donated 100 pairs of gumboots to the vendors operating from within Nakiwogo market and an addition shs3.8m to help them procure timber that will help them reclaim the water-logged parts of the market.

Richard Sekyondo, is the Division B chairperson an area which is surrounded by Lake Victoria. Acknowledging the challenges that continue to come with the rising water levels, Sekyondo lauded Keddi for running to rescue the affected persons in this part of Entebbe municipality.
Maggwa Sali, another area resident thanked Keddi, for continuing to support the vulnerable communities without any strings attached nor for any political reasons. Stephen Keddi continues to traverse the country, helping vulnerable communities and individuals as well as empowering different business ventures.