Medical intern remanded to Prison for raping Patients

The Magistrate’s Court in Entebbe remanded Dennis Kutesa to Kigo prison until March 15, for allegedly raping a female patient at Entebbe regional referral hospital from where he has been doing his internship.

Kutesa was arraigned before Her Worship Elizabeth Kabugho, the Grade One Magistrate at Entebbe court, on charges of rape. He was however, not allowed to take plea given the capital nature of his offence which is only triable by the High court.

The State Attorney Janet Kitimbo informed court that the case was coming up for mentioning and that, the investigations are still ongoing hence asked for an adjournment.

According to prosecution, Kutesa while carrying out his routines at Entebbe hospital, raped a lady on February 18, 2023. “State of inquiry is still ongoing, we pray for an adjournment,” Kitimbo notified court.

Luke Owoyesigire, the Kampala metropolitan deputy police spokesperson recently said, police was investigating allegations that Kutesa had raped several female patients after drugging them with chloroform.

Kutesa being ushered out of the car by Police officer upon reaching Entebbe Court

The police spokesperson explained that the nurse would identify his preys by pretending as if providing gynaecology services to them, only to take them to a room where he would drug them with chloroform and later rape them.

He called on other persons who could have been victimised by the nurse intern, to come forward and report to police.

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Gateway News

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