Members of Parliament want new fisheries bill enacted

Members of Parliament from fishing districts in the country are moving to foster several changes in the legal frame work pertaining to the fisheries Sector.

The legislators during a meeting with the Minister of State for Fisheries Hellen Adoa on Monday, suggested that a more comprehensive and flexible fisheries bill be enacted to save the sector.

The sector is currently faced with illegal fishing practices such as harvesting of immature fish, use of illegal gear and illegal immigrants that cross from neighboring countries such as Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania.

Minister Adoa has urged Members of Parliament to rally behind the Ministry in order to foster a new bill that will bring sustainable fishing.

“In 2018, the Sector got a new Policy that if it is implemented, we will address most of those challenges that I have mentioned above. In other words what I am saying is that the Policy basis to drive the sector forward is available, what is required now is to quicken the passing of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Bill to operationalize the Policy.” Adoa said

However, Adoa warned legislators to avoid “cheap popularity” in order to mitigate the challenges facing fishermen.

The director of fisheries at the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries Joyce Nyeko Ikwaput has revealed that fishing communities are still faced by numerous challenges that are hindering growth of the sector.

“The budget for surveillance on the lakes is still limited to cover the entire 241,000 square kilometers fish resource base, hence resulting into illegal fishing, on top of this we face illegal immigrant fishermen that cross to Ugandan waters owing to the porous borders.” Ikwaput intimated

“HIV/AIDS is still a major problem, poor saving habits and migration of fishermen which makes it quite impossible to register them needs to be dealt with.” Ikwaput added

According to Entebbe Municipality legislator Micheal Kakembo the current laws are not enough to deter fishing malpractice.

“We hope the new bill that is yet to be tabled before Parliament will help in curbing illegal fishing, but as well institute seamless operation of the Fisheries Protection Unit and the fishermen, the law needs to stipulate the roles of the forces and the local authorities to avoid collision.” Kakembo intimated

Kalangala woman Member of of Parliament Hellen Nakimuli has urged the Fisheries Protection Unit to engage all stakeholders to come up with more none violent means to eradicate illegal fishing.

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Gateway News

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