Minister Odongo launches Report on Migration Governance and Diplomacy

Minister for foreign affairs, Gen. Jeje Abubaker Odongo on Wednesday 20th July launched a research report on migration governance and migration diplomacy in Uganda, Uganda Council on Foreign Relations Research Report at Fair Way Hotel, Kampala.

In attendance was Hon. Sam Kutesa, Patron of Uganda Council on Foreign Relations and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gen. Ivan Koreta, Chairman Uganda Council on Foreign Relations, H. E. Attilio Pacifici, Ambassador, European Union in Uganda, Prof. Renaud Dehousse, President of European University Institute, Members of Parliament, Representatives of Regional and International Organisations and Members of the Diplomatic Corp.

In a press statement, The minister noted that the research report was timely and it will generate dialogue and debate towards the development and strengthening of Uganda’s national migration governance system so as to deal with both existing and emerging challenges.

“The report makes the case to bring migration to the top of the policy agenda of government so as to formulate comprehensive national migration strategies, enhancing the policy capabilities of the key institutions with a mandate on migration and, developing inclusive collaborative platforms for the relevant states and institutions to engage with one another,” Hon. Gen Jeje Odongo asserted in a press statement.

The report recommends that The legislative work on Bill 30, the reform of the Employment Act, 2005 be swift since it has lagged.

It further seeks government’s indulgence in enhancing migration policy development capacity by concentrating policy coordination in the inter-ministerial National Coordination Mechanism. The recommendation further states that, “This would raise its profile within the bureaucracy and give it distinctive powers to manage migration governance at the national level,”.

It also calls for the Ugandan government to commit to a speedy ratification, domestication and implementation of regional instruments, particularly those relating to free movement protocols, including the Protocol on the Establishment of the East African Community Common Market, the EAC Regional Strategic Framework for e-immigration-2014 and the EAC Youth Policy-2016.

The minister revealed that Government will study the recommendations and will work jointly with the different stakeholders to consider how to address them, in line with the mandates of the relevant organs.

In his closing remarks, Gen. Jeje Odongo confirmed he was proud to associate with the work of the Uganda Council on Foreign Relations,” I commend them for once again initiating and organising this event that brings to the fore, issues of interest in the realm of foreign policy for engagement and shaping the policy process,”.

Gen. Jeje Odongo thanked everyone in attendance for having accepted to witness the launch of the report on Migration Governance and Migration Diplomacy in Uganda. An Agenda for a Migrant Centred Approach.

The research report on Migration Governance and Migration Diplomacy relates to the ongoing effort for the completion of the Labour Migration Policy, provide a definitive expression of the government’s commitment to the labour migration project and to help articulate the principles, values and norms that guide migration governance for the country.

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Gateway News

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