Museveni signs Anti-Gay Bill

President Yoweri Museveni has assented to the anti-homosexuality law. The Speaker of Parliament Anita Among confirmed the development on Monday.

“I now encourage the duty bearers under the law to execute the mandate bestowed upon them in the Anti-Homosexuality Act. The people of Uganda have spoken, and it is your duty to now enforce the law in a fair, steadfast, and firm manner,” Among said via her official Twitter handle.

The bill that criminalises acts and promotion of same-sex relations, LGBTQIA+ was passed by Parliament in March pending the President’s assent.

Museveni however, asked Parliament to reconsider some provisions within the bill which he said needed clarity before its assent in April.

The move means the president has defied the condemnation of Western governments, businesses and human rights activists.

The law is one of the world’s strictest anti-LGBTQ laws, it provides for a life for an individual convicted of committing the offence of homosexuality.

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Gateway News

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