Nkumba University Rotaract club installs New president

The Rotaract club of Nkumba University yesterday, 1st September installed their new President for the Rotary year, 2022/2023 that commenced on 1st July.

The installation ceremony that took place in the university hall was presided over by the University’s vice Chancellor, Professor Jude Lubega who also doubles as a Rotarian. The event fetched over 100 Rotarians, Rotaractors and guests. 26 new members were inducted into the club bringing club membership to over 50.

In her acceptance speech, President Rinah Ampa revealed that she is going to put alot of effort in lobbying for the University, ” there are quite a number of challenges within the University, for instance, because curriculums change, some books in the library become irrelevant, to catch up with this, we will respond by launching a 5 year strategic plan, in this, we target to raise funds for atleast 200 library books every year, the goal is, 1,000 books by the end of the project,” said President Ampa.

Speaking on behalf of the president Rotary club of Entebbe, Rotarian Susan Arigye implored the new club leadership to heed to Integrity, honesty and time keeping if they are to record any success in there leadership tenure,” we have a challenge when it comes to time management, not only in Rotaract but Rotary too. I appeal to you to take honesty, integrity and time management serious because the three can take you miles,” she asserted adding that , ” this time around, we will not sponsor you for any project if there is no clear and substantial work plan”.

While addressing Rotaractors, Professor Jude Lubega reminded the members of the Rotaract club of Nkumba University to be proud that the University Chancellor, PDG Emmanuel Katongole is a Rotarian, “you should be proud that you are surrounded by Rotarians, the Chancellor, my self and many other staff members, use us for guidance,” he appealed.

Professor Jude Lubega

You are supposed to pay 30,000/=, don’t be projects to the club, pay that money, it is for you to do projects, You have our support, you have the support of your sponsor club and we envisage a great year a head,” he revealed.

As the university, we shall support you where we can. Let’s work together, any students you bring in, all the application fee will be conveyed to the club account, We will also continue with the Partial scholarship for new students,” he added.

The Vice Chancellor also advised the club leaders to engage members, ” engage members for club activities, the policy for volunteers is; use me or lose me,” he stated.

The Rotaract club of Nkumba University was Chartterd on 10th September 1996. Over the years, the club has gained stride in developing professional and leadership skills among students plus fostering and addressing the needs and concerns of the community through projects. The most notable projects being the donation of over 200 desks to kigungu primary school and the erection of a study shade at the University in 2016.

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Gateway News

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