The sixth edition of the Entebbe Jazz charity show raised millions of shillings for children with special needs in Entebbe Municipality.
The show powered by local nonprofit, Bring a Smile and Ginello’s Pizzeria served a musical buffet of old and new music. The show was headlined by former Division B Speaker, Daisy Grace Aloyo alongside Diana Nalubega, Evelyn Lagu and CR Media Band.
The musical masterpiece held at Frontiers Hotel attracted hundreds of people including several big wigs from different disciplines in the Municipality.
In attendance was Entebbe legislator Micheal Kakembo, Entebbe Deputy Mayor Charles Kabwama, Division B chairperson Richard Ssekyondo, NRM chairperson for Entebbe Stephen Shaka Gashaija among others.
Deputy Mayor Charles Kabwama and Stephen Shaka both raised UGX 1 million each while, MP Kakembo promised to deliver a blank cheque. The organisers were able to collect upwards of UGX 3 million from CD sells.