Public spokespersons undergo induction at Entebbe Airport

The Uganda Civil Aviation Authority (UCAA) on Friday 26th May hosted members of the Public Relations Association of Uganda (PRAU) at Entebbe International Airport.

The exercise involved an induction process on different crises that the UCAA management has passed through and how they have managed to handle.

They were also given a tour of the Entebbe International Airport mainly the new terminal building, check in counters, departure immigration booths, transit concourse, arrival hall, terminal expansion project by CCCC, new cargo terminal, air navigation service, aerodrome rescue and fire fighting services.

Fred Bamwesigye the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority director general remarks that were read by the procurement manager Godfrey Matovu, who appreciated members of PRAU saying that it’s an opportunity to share with them what they are doing and get variable feedback for a continuous improvement for the benefits of Ugandans and all end users of the Entebbe International Airport.

“We have previously hosted members of the Engineers Registration Board of Uganda, Uganda Institute of Professional Engineers, Students Engineering Association, the Plumbers Association among others that have helped us to build partnerships that have benefited us during the implementation of key aviation projects,” he remarked.

Furthermore, the Director General noted that UCAA has been a member of PRAU for over 20 years, having two key senior members of staff in Vianney Luggya and Kenneth Otim that have previously served on the PRAU council, he therefore asked them to become brand ambassadors of the airport by conveying right information that gives and enhances the image of Uganda especially now when the country has only one international airport which is the major entrance and exit of tourists and other passengers.

Bamwesigye concluded by an appeal to the association members to feel free in providing valuable feedback for a continuous improvement in the country’s aviation industry.

As soon as they had just finished the induction and touring process, Vianney Luggya the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) spokesperson narrated that the exercise was a benchmarking visit aimed at showing the association members what is done at entebbe international airport so as to create an understanding of the services and facilities that are being offered at the airport.

He also highlighted that such engagements are very important in the public relations professions because all the members of the association are spokespeople in the different organizations they represent.

“It’s therefore important that such key stakeholders are brought up to speed with the development we are undertaking at entebbe international airport so as to create understanding in case of any issues, these key stakeholders become our brand ambassadors once they are updated with what we are doing and the rationale for the plans that we have in place which helps us to ensure that we develop the country together,” he noted.

The Public Relations Association of Uganda president Tina Wamala said that UCAA has gone through a lot of crisis in the past most especially in January when social media was flooded with information that was against the organization.

“So we have learnt the best practices of crises management as well as touring the Entebbe international airport, therefore we are really excited about the growth of the airport and generally the attempt to grow the aviation industry in Uganda,” she concluded.

About PRAU

PRAU is the umbrella body that was founded in 1976 combining all private and public PR professionals, communication specialists, brand managers, mass communication & other related disciplines striving to promote public relations excellence in Uganda.

About The Author

Gateway News

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