Rukiga District Concludes Athletics Competition

The Rukiga district Primary School Athletics Competition reached its climax with a number of pupils engaging in different athletic disciplines.

Disciplines including track and field contests started in the middle of March this year with pupils competing in their respective schools to Zones, through to the Sub-county and Town council levels.

The finalists across different sub-counties and town councils took part in the District finals on Wednesday 26th April 2023 earning the winners slots to compete at the Nationals later this year.

Representing the Rukiga district LC V Chairperson as the Guest of honor, the District Secretary for Education and sports Nkamushaba Jacqueline said that as a young district, they are growing steadily in the Education sector both academically and co-curricular activities.

Nkamushaba further appreciated the school Heads for the recent 2022 PLE Examination results that saw Rukiga district leading the entire Kigezi sub-region districts.

“I am happy to report that in the recent 2022 PLE results we were ranked the best in the entire Kigezi Sub Region district which shows that we are steadily growing both academically and in sports” said Nkamushaba Jacqueline.

The Rukiga district Education Officer Mrs. Vastina Beyendera said that having children from different schools competing gives them a chance to freely interact with their fellows.  

Beyendera strongly warned the Schools which couldn’t present pupils for competitions to improve as only 3 pupils had come from all of Kashabya Sub County out of the 12 who were supposed to come from there.

“Having school-going children from different schools competing gives them a chance to freely interact with their fellows and which is healthy. I also want to warn those schools that failed to post their pupils for these competitions, stand warned and they should be inspected to see their problem” said Beyendera.

The senior inspector of schools in Rukiga district Ndyabegyera Christopher said that they play a big role in seeing sports improving at all levels in all events.

Rukiga district has a total number of 71 primary schools and according to the Kids athletics rankings Mparo town council was ranked the best with 74 points followed by Rwamucucu Sub County with 44 points.

The third was Kamwezi Sub county with 39 points followed by Bukinda sub county with 37 points, Muhanga town council following in a 5th position with 24 points and lastly  Kashambya Sub county with only 14 points.

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Gateway News

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