SH-ACU opens Inquiry into Acholi missing PDM cash

The State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SH-ACU) which is headed by Brig Gen.Henry Isoke following a directive from President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to investigate allegations of mismanagement of funds meant for the Parish Development Model(PDM) in Acholi Sub-region.

This happened after a group of local leaders held a meeting with the president at state house to follow up on the complaints regarding the PDM extortion and mismanagement of funds in the organization.

Isoke started the investigation tour on March 27th 2023 in Gulu district. During his tour, he managed to hold meetings with the district and city leadership and security heads. He further went on to meet community representatives who presented to him their grievances on how the Parish Development Model was implemented in their parishes.

The community representatives raised many issues such as the unclear charges ranging between 5000 to 10000 which was charged by officials to cover photocopying and other administrative expenses.

The Delay in the release of funds and illegal charges in the creation of SACCO accounts was also a concern. It is alleged that the officials in charge of the registration process considered their friends , family and relatives as priorities when doing the exercise.

On the second day on his tour Isoke continued his investigation tour in the sub region with an open community engagement in Unyama sub country Gulu district.

During this meeting, he assured the community that the unit would investigate all their issues and give them feedback about the whole situation surrounding the delay of funds to the beneficiaries despite the funds already being available in the SACCO parish accounts.

The Parish Development Model was launched by President Yoweri Museveni last year in February 2022 as one of the initiatives to uplift those that are not financially stable to join the money economy.

Over UGX264 Billion was allocated to cater for the PDM activities and 8931 parishes in the country that received the money are already implementing the program.

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Gateway News

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