Turyasiima Geraldine, a mother of five is calling upon well wishers to bail her out of a dilemma she found her self plugged in after prematurely giving birth to her triplets at St. Francis Hospital, Mutolere in Nyakabande Sub County, Kisoro district .
Turyasiima’s pregnancy was 7 month old at the time of labour, ” despite being premature, my children are in good health though supported by an incubator at the hospital,” said Turyasiima.

Turyasiima also adds that all the three babies are breast feeding normally but are still underweight with just 1.9kgs, “it is expensive and it is still going to be expensive even after here but I call upon all well wishers to help us endure this,” she pleaded.
“Having eight children to sustain is overwhelming and the news of the triplets has left me completely baffled,” noted Tibemanya Atanazio, the father to the triplets.
The couple is now calling on well-wishers to come to their rescue and help them get back on their feet by taking the babies home to their brothers and sisters.
Twinomuhanji Maria Jacinta, one of the close relatives revealed that it is going to be an uphill task to raise the family. “I call upon well-wishers to support the young family cope-up with the blessing turned burden,” she added.
The hospital authorities declined to reveal the likely bill accrued to in contrast with the services offered at the hospital claiming that the total billing is done on the day of discharge.
Turyasiima is a resident of Chogo Village, Kagunga Parish- Bukimbiri, a small densely populated village in the south-western part of the country.
According to the world health fact sheet on preterm birth 2018, “an estimated 15 million babies are born too early every year. That is more than 1 in 10 babies. Approximately 1 million children die each year due to complications of preterm birth (1). Many survivors face a lifetime of disability, including learning disabilities and visual and hearing problems”.
It further states that, “Globally, prematurity is the leading cause of death in children under the age of 5 years. And in almost all countries with reliable data, preterm birth rates are increasing”.