Alex Giddu Khauka, a student of Uganda Christian University(UCU) and his father passed away in a car accident today morning.
The two passed away while travelling to the Mukono based institution to attend Khauka’s graduation.
Khauka was supposed to graduate to with a Diploma in Information Technology but unfortunately, he did not make it.
UCU vice chancellor, Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi sent his condolences to the family and asked the students to put them in prayer.
More About the graduation
2,184 students fully completed their courses in the part one of the 23rd graduation ceremony.
Among those, 1218 were female and 966 were male. But only 55 students managed to clinch first class.
The overall best student was Leslie Lubowa Mugagga who bagged a 4.91 CPGA in Bachelor of Science in Economics and Statistics.
While the best male student was Steven Nsenga with a CGPA of 4.66 in Bachelor of Human Rights, Peace and Humanitarian Interventions.