Uganda- South Sudan Business forum launched

Uganda and South Sudan Wednesday launched the Uganda-South Sudan business forum with an intention of raising awareness about investment and business opportunities for citizens in the two countries.

According to Brig. Gen. Ronnie Balya who is Uganda’s envoy for South Sudan, boosting bilateral trade and investment flow is the other reason why the Kampala-Juba joint business forum had been launched.

Balya stated that South Sudan presents a number of opportunities for Ugandan business people and ordinary citizens.

“South Sudan is two and half the size of Uganda. Uganda has approximately 46 million people, but South Sudan has 13 million people. There is no desert here in South Sudan. It is green, and you can have serious commercial agriculture and livestock farming. So, we have great opportunities in South Sudan,” Balya stated.

Several Ugandan traders who transport goods to South Sudan have continued to decry the insecurity on the various trade routes most especially the Nimule-Juba highway.
The Elegu border point crossing has also been terrible for Ugandan traders who cross to South Sudan to market their products.

However, Balya noted that the Uganda-South Sudan business forum had come in handy to facilitate public-private sector dialogue to solve business hurdles between Uganda and South Sudan traders.

Today Uganda’s leading exports to South Sudan include cereals, maize, wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, beer, soft drinks, iron, steel and cement, among other products.

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Gateway News

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