UPDF Officer Gunned Down by a Private Security Guard

The territorial police in Katwe are investigating circumstances under which a UPDF officer, Mubangizi Moses was shot dead by a security guard identified as Otim Huron who was in turn lynched to death by a mob.

In a Press Statement, the Police Deputy PRO, Kampala Metropolitan, ASP Luke Owoyesigyire said that, “On 4th February, 2023, at around 11 PM, Otim picked a fight with Mubangizi Moses, a UPDF officers at a bar.”

Having seemingly lost a physcal brawl, Otim went back to his deployment garrison to retrieve his gun, on return Mubangizi noticed Otim carrying a gun. He then used his millinery prowess and disarmed him, giving the gun to another security guard, Wana Simon. Otim attacked frail Wana and recovered the gun. He returned to the bar and shot Mubangizi dead.

A charged mob turned to Otim and lynched him to death.

Police was called in and swiftly arrived at the scene condoning it off. They were able to recover one gun and one bullet but the magazine is still missing.

The bodies were taken to KCCA city mortuary for postmortem. Wana Simon was arrested and is being held at Katwe police station to help Police come up with conclusive investigations.

ASP Luke Owoyesigyire has appealed to the general public to always be vigilant in such cases and inform police promptly of any incidents more so involving private security guards.

According to the Police Crime 2021, 303 cases of murder by shooting were reported during the time under review compared to 249 cases reported in 2020, showing a 21.6% increase.

A total of 321 people were shot dead, of whom 294 were adult males, 10 male juveniles, 16 were adult females and 01 was female juvenile.

By the end of 2021, 58 cases of shooting were taken to Court, 04 cases secured convictions, while 54 cases were still pending in Court. A total of 199 cases were still under investigations, Mubangizi’s murder is cumulative to this.

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Gateway News

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