Wakiso Leaders to desist the collection of Local Revenue

The Wakiso district local government leaders have decided to cease the collection of locally raised revenue due to poor returns by the Ministry of Finance. This came in after an engagement that was presided over by the district chairperson and attended by the chairpersons and mayors of different town councils, sub-counties and divisions that make up Wakiso district on Tuesday 19th March at the district headquarters.

According to Matia Lwanga Bwanika the Wakiso district chairperson, most of the Wakiso district town council are highly populated than most of the districts in Uganda which is unfair to Wakiso citizens.

“It’s humiliating that most of the town councils are now demanding for over three months of their funds of local revenue saying that it was used during the NAM summit.”

The Wakiso boss also noted that the parliament of the Republic of Uganda passed the resolution of not making direct transactions of local government revenues to the center however it’s not implemented and therefore asked for a favourable way forward from fellow leaders.

The Katabi town council chairperson Ronald Kalema revealed that Katabi is demanding funds for now three months from January February, and March which has led to unsteady service delivery. 

He therefore appreciated the Wakiso district chairperson for calling up the meeting to raise such issues that hinder good service delivery and also asked fellow local government leaders for a collaborative relationship as they fight for what he called people’s right to good service delivery.

Scholastica Najjemba the Entebbe Division A chairperson noted that a lot of funds are lost in this new system because leaders have no access to the system and therefore supported the idea of pardoning the collection of local revenues from the society.

“We are now hands off and eyes off on this ongoing system that is being used in the collection of local revenues whereby we can’t access such transactions which are at high risk of illegal acts like incorrect transactions and figures leading to miss management of the revenue,” she added

After their reactions during the engagement, they ended up with a resolution of commanding the citizens not to pay any kind of local revenue effective 30th April uncles all town councils, divisions and sub-counties debts are cleared to zero balance. 

The meeting also elected the interim committee led by Ronald Kalema the Katabi town council boss as the chairperson together with four other members to follow up on such issues so that they can improve service delivery in Wakiso district.

About The Author

Johnmary Luwaga

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