Yamaha produces advanced model of Motorcycles for Uganda Police

Received by ASP Israel Wambesyo, the deputy Kampala Metropolitan traffic commander, twenty modified patrol motorcycles were handed over to Uganda Police on Tuesday afternoon. Manufactured by Nile Fishing company the producers of Yamaha products in Uganda, the 20 bikes are part of the 70 motorcycles procured by the government of Uganda, which are to be delivered in phases.

The 20 modified bikes will be used for patrol and police monitoring in different parts of the country. Mr. Christopher Saazi the managing director for Nile Fishing company said, each of the motorcycles has an advanced inbuilt system which enables a police officer to communicate with other officers at the control station among others with a similar bike.

Aside the sirens, each of the motorcycles has a public address system which enables a police officer to communicate to distant and mammoth gatherings while doing their policing works. According to Mr. Saazi, the motorcycles were designed and assembled from Yamaha offices in Kyambogo, Kampala.

“For close to ten years, we have been training many Ugandans especially those in detention centres on how to manufacture and assemble such motorcycles. We hope and wish to create over 50,000 job slots in line with the manufacture of this type of motorcycles,” remarked Saazi.

He however, expressed a challenge of some raw materials which are required to be imported yet taxes are high. He appealed for government incentives and a tax-holiday for ten years so as, to ably produce more bikes within a shorter period of time. Meanwhile, Mr. Saazi revealed that a team from Yamaha company in Japan will come to Uganda in January, to officially launch this advanced model of bikes for the African market.

Mr. Francis Asiimwe, the procurement manager for Nile Fishing company intimated that each motorcycle costs shs24m. He further noted that all the remaining 50 motorcycles as ordered by the government, will be delivered in one week’s time.

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Gateway News

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